CONVERGENCE is a non-profit community organization whose mission is dedicated to helping men throughout the Gaspé peninsula.
The name CONVERGENCE refers to a meeting place for men, a space of sharing and exploration in order to evelop non-violent communication and selfassertion skills. CONVERGENCE equally evokes the coming together of several issues and realities men are faced with in their personnal life trajectory, so as to initiate a personnal endeavour.
The reinforcement of positive models of masculinity and paternity, as well as the promotion of men's health and wellness are at the heart of our mission.
CONVERGENCE is called to work in complementarity and partnership with other resources of the region.
The Regroupement pour la Valorisation de la Paternité (RVP) to promote the role of fathers and enhance their importance within the family unit and in society for the healthy development and wellness of children, in a perspective of equality between parents.
The Pole d'expertise et de recherche en Santé et bien-être des hommes (PERSBEH) (Expertise and research center for men's health and wellness) is mainly enshrined within the policy framework axis no. 3 of the Ministerial Men's Health and Wellness Action Plan 2017-2022, which stipulates that a better understanding of masculine dynamics and realities is necessary to better meet men's needs.
The RIMAS (Regroupement des intervenants en matière d'agressions sexuelles) is a network of organizations, mental health professionals, researchers and students from academic communities, private, correctionnal and health facilities, youth and community organizations concerned about sexual misconduct.